At Horan & Fevold in Wenatchee, we know that getting a hearing test is a critical step toward improving your auditory health. After completing the test, understanding your hearing test results is essential. This article aims to help you interpret these results and understand the next steps, ensuring you make informed decisions about your hearing care.


Hearing Test Wenatchee: What to Anticipate

When you visit our clinic in Wenatchee for a hearing test, our skilled audiologists will conduct a series of evaluations to assess your hearing. These tests are designed to determine the type and degree of hearing loss you may be experiencing.


Pure Tone Audiometry

Pure tone audiometry is a standard component of any hearing test in Wenatchee. During this test, you will wear headphones and listen to various tones at different pitches and volumes. You will indicate when you hear a sound, helping us determine the softest sounds you can hear at different frequencies. The results are plotted on an audiogram, which provides a visual representation of your hearing ability.


Speech Audiometry

Speech audiometry evaluates your ability to hear and understand speech. You will listen to a series of words at different volumes and repeat them back. This helps our audiologists in Wenatchee assess how well you can distinguish speech from background noise, a common issue for those with hearing loss.


Bone Conduction Testing

Bone conduction testing helps determine if hearing loss is due to issues in the outer or middle ear or the inner ear. A small device is placed behind your ear to send sound vibrations directly to the inner ear, bypassing the outer and middle ear. This test can pinpoint the type of hearing loss you have.


Interpreting Your Hearing Test Results

After your hearing test in Wenatchee, our audiologists will review the results with you. Here are some key terms and concepts to understand:



An audiogram is a graph that shows the softest sounds you can hear at different frequencies. The vertical axis represents volume (measured in decibels), while the horizontal axis represents frequency (measured in Hertz). Your results will show the threshold at which you can hear each frequency, helping to identify the type and degree of hearing loss.


Types of Hearing Loss

  • Conductive Hearing Loss: Caused by issues in the outer or middle ear, such as ear infections or blockages.
  • Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Caused by damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve, often due to aging or noise exposure.
  • Mixed Hearing Loss: A combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.


Degrees of Hearing Loss

The degree of hearing loss is classified as mild, moderate, severe, or profound. Your audiogram will show the specific levels at which you begin to have difficulty hearing, which helps our hearing doctors in Wenatchee recommend appropriate treatment options.


Next Steps: Hearing Aids and Treatment Options

Based on your hearing evaluation in Wenatchee, our audiologists will discuss the best treatment options for you. If hearing aids are recommended, we will help you choose the right type and style to meet your needs.


Hearing Aids Wenatchee

Modern hearing aids come with various features to enhance your hearing experience. At Horan & Fevold in Wenatchee, we offer a wide range of hearing aids with the latest technology, including digital sound processing, Bluetooth connectivity, and rechargeable batteries. Our hearing aid experts in Wenatchee will ensure your hearing aids are properly fitted and customized to your hearing profile.


Ongoing Hearing Care

Hearing health is an ongoing journey. Regular check-ups with our audiologists in Wenatchee will help monitor your hearing and make any necessary adjustments to your hearing aids. We also provide support for maintaining and repairing your devices to ensure optimal performance.


Why Choose Horan & Fevold in Wenatchee?

At Horan & Fevold, we are committed to providing comprehensive hearing care tailored to your unique needs. Our experienced hearing doctors in Wenatchee offer thorough hearing evaluations and personalized treatment plans. With access to the latest hearing aids in Wenatchee, we ensure you receive the best technology suited to your needs. Our commitment to professional and compassionate care means we guide you through every step of your hearing health journey, from your initial hearing test to ongoing support and maintenance.



Understanding your hearing test results is a vital part of managing your hearing health. At Horan & Fevold in Wenatchee, we are here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule your hearing evaluation and take the first step toward better hearing.

Schedule Your Hearing Evaluation Today

Horan & Fevold Hearing Clinic offers extensive hearing tests for Wenatchee and Moses Lake residents, and expert guidance on hearing loss management. Our audiologists are committed to providing personalized care and support on your hearing health journey.

If you have any concerns about your hearing, Horan & Fevold Hearing Clinic is here for you. Schedule your initial hearing test, or consult with a hearing aid specialist today.